


Like every year, the ReMida Bologna_Terre d’Acqua Department of Education offers visits, occasions of discovery, and educational workshops for schools of every grade and level.

All educational activities will of course be centered upon waste materials that will allow to explore themes such as environmental sustainability, creative re-use, and care for nature, intertwining different languages of expression.

These activities will take place only upon previous booking, from Tuesday to Friday, in the morning from 9:30 to 11:30, or in the afternoon from 14.00 alle 16.00 (times may vary based upon transportation needs of individual schools).

Educational workshops are sub-divided into the following theme-based areas of research: Nature, Paper, and Atelier.


Workshops within ReMida’s Orchard&Garden or upon request in your school premises. Each experience is introduced by an animated reading of a book related to art, nature, and the composition of different natural elements in relation to sources of light.


This workshop sees the realization of a small tree inside a book.

Through simple pop-up techniques and the re-use of scrap paper, each child creates a custom-made tree as well as its surrounding environment. The tree can be made, dismantled, and re-made, whilst mixing and matching industrial waste materials of all shapes and sizes.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic

Age group: Kindergarten, Elementary School


This workshop sees the construction of insects and “critters” by putting together natural materials. The first part of the lab includes identification, study, and experimentation of different combinations of organically derived elements. The second part is focused on the final construction of anomalousanimals!

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic

Age group: Kindergarten, Elementary School


A workshop for the design and manufacture of a truly natural “diary”! With a few simple folds along a long paper strip, a book-container comes out. Each page of the book will have a pocket to hold a leaf or other natural elements collected in every season, as well as a space for their relative description.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/scientific

Age group: Elementary School


A laboratory for sowing the seed of a small plant. The children are invited to assemble and decorate their own “vase”, made entirely of waste material. In the vase the kids will put earth and one special seed, to care for, water, grow into a plant and finally replant in their garden or another green area of their town! (IN ITALIANO ERA SCRITTO SPAZIO VEDE).?

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/scientific

Age group: Kindergarten, Elementary School


Workshops within ReMida’s Waste Material Emporium or Ateliers, or upon request in your school premises. Each experience is introduced by a general discovery tour in the Waste Material Emporium.


The workshop focuses on different and multiple types of paper. The children are invited to recognize their characteristics through different tools and actions, re-discovering a ‘common’ material under a new light, researching and valuing its expressiveness: paper as a means to see, hear, touch, and transform generating surprise and marvel.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/scientific

Age group: Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Elementary School


This workshop puts the spotlight on searching for different sounds of paper related to actions. Ripping, balling up, crumpling, scratching, blowing, flattening, rocking, and hitting: every action produces a sound that varies in relation to intensity, strength, and rythm. After experimentation of different sound possibilities, the workshop is finalized towards the creation of small cartaceous compostions to ‘play’ through actions.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic

Age group: Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Elementary School


Paper evolves on a 3-D plane to invade the surrounding environment! By combining different kinds of paper and cardboard, the children may create and study forms and sequences, interlocking and balancing the materials, giving birth to architectures in constant change. As a final step, the kids will realize their very own miniature city.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/narrative

Age group: Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Elementary School


This workshop is projected towards the making of a mysterious book, full of footprints left behind by materials during a brief passage or moment of rest upon a page. Each child realizes his own book, with each page being a platform of signs: footprints and sculptures of materials brushed, slipped, rolled, and fallen, narrating and capturing memories.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/narrative

Age group: Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Elementary School


Workshops within ReMida’s Waste Material Emporium or Ateliers, or upon request in your school premises. Each experience is introduced by a general discovery tour in the Waste Material Emporium.


The worksop takes place in the Room of Light within the Atelier, and is designed for interactive investigation and experimentation, both individual and team-based, apt to create imaginary constructions, by interlocking and connecting different  types of company waste materials that will project and reflect their forms in relation to diverse light sources. The children will be physically involved in the construction process, creating and re-creating shapes, colors, and shadows.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/scientific

Age group: Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Elementary School


The importance of board games, and the findamental role of games themselves, has always been supported by different researchers, in both the pedagogical and the educational fields.  This workshop allows to design old or new board games through transformation of waste materials.

Workshop type: design/artistic/scientific

Age group: Kindergarten (5 years), Elementary School


Company waste materials, just because of their function/non-function, often have particular, “flippant” forms, that when looked at close-up may suggest infinite figures. The children, quite able in dialoguing with waste materials, examine these in their form and essence and transform them, supported by drawing tools, in new objects, characters, or unusual settings.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/narrative

Age group: Kindergarten, Elementary School


This workshop aims to examine in depth the physical characteristics of most common materials (glass, plastic, wood, paper, etc.), analyze their interaction with the environment, understand how manipulation and external agents modify their aspect. Reflections sparked by reading of literary texts will become useful tips to write original stories, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes starring the materials themselves as protagonists.

Workshop type: experimental/design/artistic/narrative

Age group: Elementary School

In addition to the above activities, starting this year we offer workshops targeted towards lower and upper secondary schools, to kick-start adolescents towards investigation of company waste materials.

Workshops may take place both in ReMida and, upon request, at your school. They may be carried out in two different formats:

1-day workshop (2 hours total);

2-day workshop (2 hours each day)


The essence of waste material is key in the following project: the kids will have to re-trace its origins, reasearch to discover its properties, imagine its possible transformations and experiment them.


–to analyze, discover, design and document exploration trails, interlacing different languages of expression, as well as scientific and logical-mathematic tools: graphic representation, construction, equilibrium, and composition;

–to share different thoughts and knowledge, stimulating cooperation and being together in a common environment, experimenting and living moments of a relationship, giving value to each other’s actions;

–to stimulate integration, organization, and empathy;

–to bring closer to contemporary art, eco-design, and the art of re-use.


Old bikes made by the artisans of the past become, in this workshop, the crankshaft for a reflection on environmental sustainability, and an invitation to the re-use of scrapped materials.


–to reflect upon historical contexts;

–to spread environmental awareness by supporting green modes of transportation;

–to make the kids approach the arts and ancient crafts, as well as eco-design and the art of re-use;

–to stimulate an investigation on materials, providing the tools to analyze, discover, design, and document exploration pathways, interlacing different languages of expression, as well as scientific and logical-mathematic tools: graphic representation, construction, equilibrium, and composition;

– to share different thoughts and knowledge, stimulating cooperation and being together in a common environment, experimenting and living moments of a relationship, giving value to each other’s actions;

–to stimulate integration, organization, and empathy;


Materials present specific characteristics that define them and make them different but similar to one another. Making materials co-habit and share the same space is the aim of this workshop: exploring connections between apparently disconnected waste materials.


– to stimulate and guide an investigation on materials, providing the tools to analyze, discover, design, and document exploration pathways, interlacing different languages of expression, as well as scientific and logical-mathematic tools: graphic representation, construction, equilibrium, and composition;

– to share different thoughts and knowledge, stimulating cooperation and being together in a common environment, experimenting and living moments of a relationship, giving value to each other’s actions;

–to stimulate integration, organization, and empathy;


Activities are reserved exclusively to members in accordance with current fiscal and administrative policies.


Membership card (€5) – under the name of your school or a legal representative, valid 1 year from September 1st to August 31st.

Additional prices:

• €4 per child for schools in districts served by Geovest (Anzola dell’Emilia, Argelato, Calderara di Reno, Castel Maggiore, Crevalcore, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Sant’ Agata Bolognese, Sala Bolognese, Finale Emilia, Nonantola, Ravarino)

• €4.5 per child for schools in all other districts

• Free entrance for teachers, educators, and chaperones

• €110 per single workshop held at your school premises.