Scholastic and Educational Activities


Diversified programs for EC, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary schools.

These workshops are studied to stimulate critical sense, promote creativity, and encourage –individual or team-based – reprocessing of different laboratory experiences. Waste materials become the protagonists of the labs as well as the vehicles to study – in a playful way – current themes such as environmental sustainability and creative re-use, and to promote an educational method in which respect for the environment and the re-discovery of a man-sized world are of primary importance.

In particular, we have designed the following structures for each of the different grade-levels:

Early Childhood

Continued learning workshops for the 0-3 age group are designed to induce reflections upon the philosophy of re-use of waste materials that, by not having a defined structure, favour a wide liberty of action and multiple possibilities for transformation. Through a methodological approach that intertwines theory and practical experiences, the workshops offer educators project-design tips to setup multiple-valence learning contexts, in which each material may become an important building block for relationships, may stimulate listening and curiosity, or even cause surprise or marvel. The continued learning workshops are thus an occasion for educators to learn the infinite creative potential of waste material, in order to gain confidence in choice of materials, ideas, and educational methods.


Continued learning workshops  directed to Kindergarten classes, that put an emphasis on how waste materials may co-habit with structured games and school spaces, soprattutto nei diversi contesti educativi, come l’angolo del travestimento, l’angolo della costruttività, l’angolo morbido, l’angolo della cucina, l’angolo dei disegno, ecc. The workshops are based on re-design of spaces and setups in each context.

Furthermore, we offer specific workshops and research projects to understand and experiment how waste materials may become an educational resource; these are playful experiences that enrich learning capacity, develop creativity, and become an optimal complement for children’s languages of expression.

Elementary School

The workshops designed for Elementary School classes aim to spread the culture of waste material as a useful element in teaching of all subjects, especially scientific. Waste materials may become a learning tool and become part of an education method based upon games, manipulation, and concreteness, stimulating the children’s cognitive capacity. Introducing company waste materials- and assigning these a value- in the school structure also means instilling awareness in kids and adults on the use of objects in general, developing social conscience and respect for others and the environment.


All workshops take place upon advance booking, in the ReMida center or, upon eventual request, at your school.

Workshops will be held Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 to 11:30.

Times may vary based upon transportation needs of individual schools.

Each workshop has two steps:

-selection and pick-up of materials in the Waste Material Emporium

-workshop in the Atelier

Download workshop brochures for the 2014-15 school year:

    Programma rivolto a Nidi, Scuole d’Infanzia e Primarie
    Programma rivolto alle Scuole Secondarie di Primo e Secondo Grado